This page is about math. We just generate problems and let kids have their fun, even presenting them in the most unadulterated manner - no fancy animations, no cute figures, nothing!
Click on the new button below (or above) to create a new game. There are two modes -
- Single player: Select the type of problems you want to do, number of problems and some basic configuration.
Multi player: Play time races against each other on the same set of problems.
- Each mistake adds 60 seconds to the score, lower score wins.
- Use of pen and paper is okay
- Any electronic help is cheating
Game has been created with id:
Please ask your friends to enter the id while joining or give them this url:
Please click Start when your friends have joined!
We have joined the game ..
Waiting for the creator to start the game.
Well done! You have finished the game with in just !
Well done! You have finished the game with in just !
Please wait a few moments for others to finish for scores to come up
Also remember, win or lose - don't matter! The best way to gain the most out of the game is to play without the fear of losing and expectation of winning.
Also, in the mean time, you might want to use a relatable handle